Quality Parts at Competitive Prices

Handlebar Components

⅞ inch L/H ball-end clutch lever

Product Code: 1501

⅞ inch L/H ball-end clutch lever, chrome plate.

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⅞ inch L/H Doherty clutch lever

Product Code: 1503

⅞ inch L/H replica Doherty clutch lever, chrome plate.

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⅞ inch L/H Replica Magneto Lever

Product Code: 1701

⅞ inch L/H replica magneto lever, chrome plate.

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⅞ inch replica Amal twistgrip

Product Code: 1603

⅞ inch replica Amal twistgrip, metal tube, chrome plate.

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⅞ inch replica twin pull twistgrip

Product Code: 1604

⅞ inch replica twin pull twistgrip, metal tube, chrome plate.

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⅞ inch replica twistgrip

Product Code: 1601

⅞ inch replica twistgrip, metal tube, chrome plate.

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⅞ inch R/H ball-end brake lever

Product Code: 1502

⅞ inch R/H ball-end brake lever, chrome plate.

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⅞ inch R/H Doherty brake lever

Product Code: 1504

⅞ inch R/H replica Doherty brake lever, chrome plate.

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⅞ inch R/H replica magneto/air lever

Product Code: 1703

⅞ inch R/H replica magneto/air lever, chrome plate.

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1 inch L/H Doherty Clutch Lever

Product Code: 1505

1 inch L/H replica Doherty clutch lever, chrome plate.

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1 inch L/H replica magneto lever

Product Code: 1702

1 inch L/H replica magneto lever, chrome plate.

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1 inch replica twistgrip

Product Code: 1602

1 inch replica twistgrip, metal tube, chrome plate.

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1 inch R/H Doherty brake lever

Product Code: 1506

1 inch R/H replica Doherty brake lever, chrome plate.

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1 inch R/H replica Magneto/Air Lever

Product Code: 1704

1 inch R/H replica magneto/air lever, chrome plate.


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Replica Stainless Steel 7/8” Double Deck Levers
£awaiting new stock

Replica Stainless Steel 7/8” Double Deck Levers

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Bowden-type Clutch Lever (1 inch O/D)
£awaiting new stock

Product Code: 1005

Replica Bowden-type clutch lever in polished stainless steel for 1 inch O/D handlebars, with legend ‘Bowden Tyseley’.


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Bowden-type Clutch Lever (⅞ inch O/D)

Product Code: 1003

Replica Bowden-type clutch lever in polished stainless steel for ⅞ inch O/D handlebars, with legend ‘Bowden Tyseley’.

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Inverted Levers (⅞ inch O/D)

Product Code: 1001

A pair of inverted levers in polished stainless steel for ⅞ inch o/d handlebars.


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Inverted Levers (1 inch O/D)

Product Code: 1002

A pair of inverted levers in polished stainless steel for 1 inch o/d handlebars.


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Replica Indian Brake Lever

Replica Indian Brake Lever.

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Replica Stainless Steel 1” Brown and Barlow Double Deck Levers
£out of stock

Replica Stainless Steel 1” Brown and Barlow Double Deck levers

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Replica Stainless Steel 1” Double Deck Levers
£awaiting new stock

Replica Stainless Steel 1” Double Deck Levers

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Replica Stainless Steel 1” Single Deck Levers
£awaiting new stock

Replica Stainless Steel 1” Single Deck Levers

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Replica Stainless Steel 7/8” Single Deck Levers
£awaiting new stock

Replica Stainless Steel 7/8” Single Deck Levers

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